Film & Broadcast


At Godzspeed, we see film as a series of moving images, each intentionally chosen to connect with the hearts and souls of the people viewing it.


Film & Broadcast

A truly great film is a transcendent experience. That’s a big reason why film is the most desired form of media in the world. Its ability to bring people into your brand story in ways that could otherwise only be achieved in person is unparalleled. (In fact, in some cases, it can be even more effective than you are in person.) Our film process is anchored in a deep understanding of what you’re trying to communicate and the impact you’re trying to create. We use the industry’s most innovative cameras and tools to ensure that every film is the unfolding and illumination of your brand’s soul on screen. We create moving images for the purpose of moving your community.

Film & Broadcast Process

1. Film Discovery

We get together with you and your team to understand the fundamental impact you want your film to create.

2. Creative Research

We use what we learned in discovery to guide us as we research the best ways to create a compelling and impactful film.

3. Production Strategy

We put together a production strategy to ensure everything goes off without a hitch.

4. Filming

We spend time filming all the shots that we’ll need to create the most impactful film possible.

5. Editing

We take the shots we’ve filmed and put them together in the most compelling way possible.

6. Delivery

We present your final product – a film that connects with your audience and creates your desired impact in bold and meaningful ways.

7. Grab some popcorn

We grab some popcorn, sit back, and watch as your audience engages with your brand’s film.

Your brand’s got soul.

Let’s discover it together.