


thumb The Anatomy of Business Needs Change

For years, institutions around the world have been teaching us that businesses are simply vehicles for profit. Our popular business culture proclaims that profit should not only be at the top of our priority list, but that we need to see profit as the pinnacle of our achievement in business. Why are the majority of business stories speaking to skyrocketing material gain, ruthless market share capture, and territorial expansion? The answer: read the title of this article.

Imagine what the world would look like if the status quo in business shifted to a model that was intentional about considering the impact that business left on the planet as a result of their influence and resources. This intentionality breeds something we like to call legacy. Impact on our natural environment and in the lives of fellow human beings is legacy building and allows business leaders to etch their significance into the foundations of our world story — FOREVER. Yes, I shouted that out because I want the earth to shake.

At Godzspeed, we don’t just see this as a dream. There are strategies and worldviews that allow for this type of impact to be ingrained into the fabric of a brand and its business model. A brand isn’t a logo or colours. A brand is the way that you do business, in every facet of your business. A brand is an individual not an institution, and as individuals have souls and a body, so do brands. The human soul is nourished and fulfilled by healthy doses of purpose and overall good. The body is engineered to communicate the intentions and mission of the soul. Uncover the need for change in the anatomy of business below.

Your Brand’s Got Soul.



thumb Create Something  Bold

This week’s theme at Godzspeed is bold. “Sharing who you are the way you really are.” We believe that bold brands have a greater advantage at commanding attention and having an impact on the audience. More often than not, a bold brand draws from life events, art, social issues, and culture to resonate with its target audience. In this blog post, we share some of our thoughts on what bold means to us at Godzspeed. We will attempt to address a few misconceptions around the word and explain the benefits of truly incorporating bold elements into your brand.

Bold brands aren’t always loud

One of the common misconceptions regarding bold brands is that they have to be ostentatious and “in your face.” While these characteristics can be helpful, they are certainly not necessities when it comes down to being bold. Bold is a decision. A decision to be authentic in order to better connect with your target audience. Every brand can be bold, this is the beauty. It’s a choice.

Bold brands are “straight shooters.”

At Godzspeed, we believe “straight shooters” or clear brands are set apart. Clarity can often be hard to achieve because of our tendency to complicate the simple. At Godzspeed, a big part of what we do for brands is bring clarity where there is confusion. We are aware that it’s possible to be profoundly deep whilst keeping thing simple and clear.

So, what does “bold” produce?

We believe that bold brands connect better with their target audience. Being bold is about telling the truth. The truth about your brand’s values, what you stand for, and what you believe in. When this is done with clarity, it makes it easy for your target audience to connect emotionally and live vicariously through your brand. When your target audience believes in the message you’re presenting and walking out boldly, they will develop deep and intimate connections to your brand. This gives you the opportunity to educate your target audience and help them learn more about why they love your brand.

Being a bold brand will connect you with your target audience intimately and free your brand to truly elevate its soul and purpose. Let’s connect to make your brand bold. Email us at We can’t wait to build with you. Let’s be bold, together.
